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  • Writer's pictureSarah Burtchell

How Will They Survive?  ;)

We are getting our mauve, 1978, cracked countertops replaced soon. Consequently, we have had to remove our old ones and disassemble practically our entire kitchen. (This whole thing is super annoying, but admittedly, I did get to feel like a badass breaking 40 year old laminate with my bare hands two nights ago). Because of the timing of the template measurement and Jay's availability to take stuff apart, we will have no stovetop, no oven, no kitchen sink, and no dishwasher for 12-15 days. It's day #2 and the older kids think they are starving and no food can possibly be available to them in this situation. So I made them a helpful list. If you have any further suggestions for this helpful list, I will add them. ;) 

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